Google Auto Draw | Review

Google wants you to get in touch with your inner Picasso with its recently launched web-based tool AutoDraw.
AutoDraw is a web-based tool that uses machine learning to turn your handmade doodling into art. The Auto Draw app is available for free and it works on every phone, tablet, and computer.

How does this web tool work?

It is pretty straightforward: draw your best version of a fish, say, and the auto-suggestion feature of this web-tool will guess the possible shapes for your doodle. Then, you can choose the image which best depicts your doodle.

Supporting View:

It is fun! And it’s a very efficient way to find clipart that you are looking for. Once you have set all the layouts, color options, text sizing and such, you can quickly receive related results for your masterpiece!

Cynics View:

Just another clip art collection from the world of Google. Currently, this tool looks more like a way for Google to showcase its Artificial Intelligence technology and use your doodles to further train its AI engine.


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